Green Team
"We celebrate the vision of hope and justice for creation, and dedicate ourselves anew. We will act out of the conviction that, as the Holy Spirit renews our minds and hearts, we also must reform our habits and social structures."
Christian clergy and lay persons: you can be inspired to talk about climate change and to help to heal God's creation! This Powerpoint offers resources based in Lutheran theology and helpful hints for congregational discussion and action.
We recently heard from the leader of an environmental club for girls offered by the Friends of Atwater organization in southern California. They found our Green Team website very helpful for their research project on sustainability and wanted to offer another resource in return. Check out the sustainable gardening guide found here.
We are available to answer any questions and to provide additional resources.
The Rev. Dr. Nancy G. Wright, D.Min
Team Members include Erik Backus, Gabrielle Brown, Rev. Dr. Lisa Dahill, Pr. Cindy Jacobson, Pr. Abigail Johnson, Phoebe Morad, Raphaela Mueller, Sharon Samoska, Pr. John Stendahl, and Eleanor Tunney.
If you'd like to join any of the Green Team's monthly calls or be put on the mail list for the monthly magazine, please email
Please send up your stories about what your congregation is doing to protect and heal God's creation. They may be sent to
Watershed Stewardship
Find your watershed here.
What is the state of the water? What organizations are working to steward the water? How can your congregation grow in leadership to become a water disciple? We are ready to help!
We are glad to come to your church or consult by phone to foster your leadership as watershed stewards; contact Pr. Nancy Wright for details at
As your congregation becomes active, you will want to learn more about Lutherans Restoring Creation ( More information may be found in the next box. Phoebe Morad may be contacted at
Congregations can download the manual for free.
Lutherans Restoring Creation
Lutherans Restoring Creation is a grassroots movement that is driven by laity, clergy, lay professionals, synodical leadership, and others in the ELCA. This movement grows out of a long history of Lutheran concern (the 1993 social statement Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice, and other pre-ELCA Lutheran documents) and involvement. Many publications by Lutheran theologians, a manual for greeting congregations, worship resources and other information are available on this highly informative website.
Did you miss the recent webinar? Click on the slide below to watch the recording.
For an earlier, very helpful webinar click on the slide for “Creation Care in the Time of Covid".
Use this link to find the Covenant for Congregations information, which includes the Congregational Self-Organizing Kit, which will help your congregation become a leader in caring for creation!
Lutherans Restoring Creation Covenant Congregations
Ascension Lutheran, S. Burlington, VT (Sam Swanson)
Our Savior Lutheran, Hanover, NH (Pr. Kyle Seibert; Green Team)
Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity, Saranac Lake and Canton NY (Pr. Eric Olsen; Erik Backus)
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Woburn, Mass. (Pr. Cindy Jacobsen; Beda Linehan)
Bethany Lutheran Church, Cromwell, CT (Louise Courchaine, LRC liaison)
University Lutheran Church, Cambridge, Mass (Chris Porter)
Lutheran Church of St. Mark, Glastonbury, CT (Eleanor Tunney)
House of Prayer, Hingham, MA (liaison Phoebe Morad)
Bethesda Lutheran Church, New Haven, CT (Pr. Tim Kyle)
Nativity Lutheran Church, Rockport, ME (Elaine Isakson; Coordinator)
Christ the King Epiphany, Wilbraham, Mass (Pr. Martha Sipe)
Emanuel Lutheran Church, Hartford, CT (Linda Cutler)
Nearly there: Lutheran Church of the Newtons, Newton, MA (Erik Olson, president)
Grant Application
Grants of up to $750 are available (which can be matched by Thrivent) for any congregational project that can be tied to the Earth Charter ( Because this Charter is the most comprehensive statement about how humans can live sustainably on Earth, any project that heals creation (gardens, water, food, etc.) connects to a principle in the charter.
Green Team Magazine Archives
Watershed Workshop Presentation
As your congregation learns about watershed stewardship, you are invited to enjoy this slide show, created by the Green Team, suitable for ionidviduals or perfect to show in a congregational setting.
Congregational Happenings
Students offer new creation care resource
We recently received an inquiry from a group of students in Bay Minette, Alabama who are researching creation care and came across our website. They suggested the following resource for individuals looking to "Go Green at Home" - that resource may be