Synod Leaders
Bishop Nathan Pipho
To contact the Bishop, call or e-mail Lyn Wasilewski:
The Rev. Bill Barter
Congregational support for Maine conference. Safe Church Specialist - including training and resourcing all synod congregations in areas of church safety for children and adults, training for Calumet staff, boundaries training for rostered leaders, and consulting with church leaders in matters pertaining to safety and boundaries. Serves as part of the ELCA churchwide boundaries training group.
Ms. Kim Bergstrand
Responsibilities include serving as the point person for Licensed Lay Ministers and providing congregational support for the Boston Metro, Central Massachusetts, Northeast Massachusetts, Southeast Massachusetts, and Rhode Island conferences
The Rev. Susan Gaeta
Responsibilities include relating to the New England Synod Candidacy Committee, mobility for rostered ministers, and providing congregational support for the New Hampshire and Vermont/New York conferences.
The Rev. Maria Hammons
Serves as a guide to closing congregations through their unique complexities such as coordinating 1) legal and leadership conversations to ensure conformant documentation, 2) file/records archiving, 3) membership transfer, or 4) property and legacy distribution
The Rev. Mark Lingle
Associate to the Bishop for Congregational Care. Geographic responsibility for Western Mass and all Connecticut conferences.
The Rev. Cassandra Chavez
Responsibilities include overseeing the Synod’s Mission Tables, relating to the Synodically Authorized Worshipping Communities, and working with Synod congregations on evangelism and outreach ministry.
The Rev. Nancy Wright
Serves as a resource to congregations in the Synod for Creation Care activities; leads the Green Team.
Donna Alsheimer
Administrative Support Specialist - administrative support for the Candidacy process, technology and supplies, roster, directories and communications
Marianne Uva
Secretary/Receptionist - Accounting and Synod House hospitality; Resource Center administrator, assistant to Registrar and liaison to facilities
Lyn Wasilewski
Manager of Operations and Executive Assistant to the Bishop - Roster Manager, Registrar, link to the Bishop, Deans, Synod Council, and Executive Committee, synod office and facilities oversight and benefits administration. Notary Public.
Martha Bayliss Whyte
Assistant to the Bishop for Communications and Generosity - Responsibilities include Communications, Annual Appeal, and Synod Assembly, Administrative support for AntiRacism Collaborative Board, Green Team.